Balancing Screen-Time: Enhancing Child Development Through Deferred Imitation
In today's digital age, screens have become an integral part of parents’ lives which presents both opportunities and challenges with respect to raising young children. At the same time, baring negative environmental externalities or genetic disabilities, human evolution has made every child ...
Cognition Skills Comprehension Skills Deferred imitation Didactiic Language Skills Mathematic Skills Memory Skills Motor Skills Visual-Spatial Reasoning Skills
Didactiic Blog
Research-Informed Insights into Early Childhood Brain Development
Can you raise your child to be a genius?
In the 1960s a young man named László started plotting one of the most daring human experiments in recorded history. After "... studying the biographies of 400 great intellectuals, from Socrates to Einstein" László concluded that "... a genius is not born but is educated and trained." He later told the Washington Post that "...when a child is born healthy, it is a potential genius."
Cognition Skills Mathematic Skills Visual-Spatial Reasoning Skills
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